Updated Special Meal Requirements – Now Available for 2023!

Updated Special Meal Codes, Definitions
& Interpretation Guidelines

Complete Technical Report

Codes, Definitions & Interpretation Guidelines

Technical Report

QSAI, in collaboration with its alliance members and stakeholders conducted a global review of legislative, dietary, and religious requirements to ensure harmony and international compliance when developing and providing Special Meals to passengers. Together, we are proud to announce the updated international reference on Special Meals for 2023.

Learn more about the launch of the Updated Special Meal Guidelines and read the press release here.

Consult the updated version of the QSAI Special Meal Codes, Definitions & Interpretation Guidelines.

The updated guidelines cover over 20 different Special Meal Codes such as the GFML, KSML, VGML, BDML and their requirements. These standards are the central guide to help ensure airline and railway food service providers prepare, label, and offer passengers with up-to-date food choices that respond to their cultural and dietary needs. Whether you are gluten intolerant, kosher, vegetarian, vegan, require a balanced diet meal and more, QSAI advocates for every passenger. QSAI provides its partners with the necessary tools to make sure every traveler is protected and receives meals that satisfy their dietary requirements.

A comprehensive and complete Technical Report on the Revision of the Special Meal Codes, Definitions and Interpretation Guidelines is also available.

The report dives deep into each of the new recommendations and requirements behind each Special Meal Code. Behind each proposed recommendation are hundreds of legislative, industry, dietary and religious sources, a detailed market analysis and the feedback of over 40 QSAI Participants and Catering Organizations audited under the QSAI Programme. If you are an airline, railway partner or food service provider, the report provides all the data necessary to ensure Special Meal compliance and the ability to communicate accurate information to all passengers.

Purchase the report here or consult the free preview to learn more.

QSAI and its stakeholders conducted a global review of legislative, dietary, and religious requirements to ensure harmony and international compliance when developing Special Meal menus. Together, we are proud to announce the updated international reference on Special Meals for 2023.

Consult the updated version of the QSAI Special Meal Codes, Definitions & Interpretation Guidelines. These standards represent the central guide within the airline and railway industry to ensure that all passengers have access to up to date food choices that respond to their dietary needs.

A comprehensive Technical Report is also available and dives deep into the new recommendations and requirements behind each Special Meal code. Consult the free preview to learn more.

Special Meal Codes, Definitions
& Interpretation Guidelines

The QSAI Special Meal Codes, Definitions & Interpretation Guidelines are based on legislative, religious and dietary requirements and recommendations that are applicable in several jurisdictions worldwide.

The guidelines include several examples of prohibited and acceptable food items and ingredients to support the preparation of Special Meals for passengers with specific dietary preferences. All Special Meal guidelines are formatted in a way to encourage the clear understanding of each Special Meal code and its application.

Download your free copy now!

Special Meal Codes, Definitions
& Interpretation Guidelines

The QSAI Special Meal Codes, Definitions & Interpretation Guidelines are based on legislative, religious and dietary requirements and recommendations that are applicable in several jurisdictions worldwide.

The guidelines include several examples of prohibited and acceptable food items and ingredients to support the preparation of Special Meals for passengers with specific dietary preferences. All Special Meal guidelines are formatted in a way to encourage the clear understanding of each Special Meal code and its application.

Download your free copy now!

Technical Report: Revision of Special Meal Codes, Definitions & Interpretation Guidelines

The QSAI Technical Report is the result of over 3 years of collaborative review, hundreds of hours spent consulting food labelling, nutrition legislation, dietary guidelines from jurisdictions worldwide, literature on religious, dietary practices and expert opinions in the field. Included in the report is a detailed market analysis made up of the responses of all QSAI Participants and roughly half of QSAI Catering Organizations regarding the demand for Special Meals in the onboard catering industry. The Report provides all the data and regulatory citations necessary to ensure Special Meals compliance and the ability to deliver accurate information to all passengers. Together, the Report and Updated Special Meal Guidelines provide caterers and service providers with the tools to assess risk and develop Special Meal Menus.

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Technical Report: Revision of Special Meal Codes, Definitions & Interpretation Guidelines

What’s Included in the Report?

The report presents a comprehensive review of regulations from jurisdictions worldwide and incorporates the most up-to-date legislative and scientific knowledge on all Special Meals.

Together the report and DIGs provide the tools necessary to ensure Special Meals compliance and the ability to deliver accurate information to all passengers, furthering our commitment towards ensuring reliable and safe meals.

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